In the last post you met Ryan Chesney, one of our general managers; this post features the other half of the general management team Justin Wandell. Justin has been with Axle Logistics for 3.5 years, and started his career looking for a fast growing business and interested in entrepreneurship/supply chain. Currently, Justin motivates and helps cultivate winning sales teams. He is also in charge of company communication and day to day tactical strategies along with keeping up with new tools and technology to arm our teams in order to service our customers at the highest level possible. He enjoys working at Axle Logistics for the autonomy, complexity, and direct connection between effort and reward. In the future, Justin hopes to be a life-long learner and equates his success with helping other people win. He leads with the energy described in his favorite quote by Phil Knight (Shoe Dog), “The cowards never started, and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, ladies and gentlemen”.
One professional skill he is working on is using meetings intentionally. His goal is to make sure every minute of meeting time is hyper-focused, inclusive and ultimately leading to profits/growth. Justin would describe the key to Axle’s brand success as a belief in the company. He says, “I believe in the product. I believe in what we are selling. We have the same tools and technology as our competitors, but we are selling a unique model of responsiveness that creates an unmatched level of customer service.” When talking about the rest of the Axle team, he states: “I know for a fact that I am not the smartest person in the room and that excites me. There are a lot of great leaders at Axle Logistics that work hard as servant leaders. I definitely try to follow suit and am lucky to be in their company.” When asked about the person that most influenced his work, Justin says, “It would definitely be my mom! She has a ton of genuine energy and works hard to help the people around her. Biggest thing I try to model from her is ‘wherever you are, you are there’ – she stays present with each employee, customer and does whatever it takes to give her all and assist.”